Beta version of Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite has been released to developers and the first million public testers. According to the official site of Apple, Yosemite will provide customers with a completely new user interface more pleasing to eyes, powerful built-in apps, a incredible connection with iOS devices, and so on. Page 1 of 3 Apple introduced OS X 10.10 Yosemite at their annual Worldwide Developers Conference. The revised Macintosh operating system offers new features such as Continuity. Yosemite also enhances many features and apps like Spotlight, Notification Center, Safari, Mail and more. Apple hasn't yet opened up public beta testing for OS X Yosemite, but fresh information about the next generation of the Mac's operating system slips out almost every day.
Use these instructions to create your CSR (certificate signing request) and then, to install your SSL and intermediate certificates.
To create your CSR, see Mac OS X Yosemite: Create Your CSR.
To install your SSL Certificate, see Mac OS X Yosemite: Install Your SSL Certificate.
For El Capitan Server (10.11), please see Mac OS X El Capitan: Create CSR & Install SSL Certificate.
1. Mac OS X Yosemite: Create Your CSR (Certificate Signing Request)
To get a valid SSL Certificate, you must first generate a CSR (certificate signing request). Then, you will use the contents of the CSR to order your SSL Certificate.
Mac OS X Yosemite Server (10.10): How to Generate a CSR Using the Server App
Open the Server App.
In the Finder window, under Favorites, click Applications and then double-click Server.
In the Server App window, under Choose a Mac, do one of the following options to select the server on which to create your CSR:
Note: You should select the server on which you are going to eventually install this SSL Certificate.
To create the CSR on this server
Select This Mac – YourServerName and then click Continue.
Enter your Administrator Name and Administrator Password and then click Allow.
To create the CSR on another server
Select Other Mac – YourServerName and then click Continue.
Enter your Host Name/IP Address, your Administrator Name and Administrator Password and then click Allow.
In the Server App window, under Server, click Certificates.
On the Certificates page, click + > Get a Trusted Certificate.
On the Get a Trusted Certificate page, click Next.
Enter the following information:
Host Name: Enter the name to be used to access the certificate. This name is usually the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). For example, or Contact Email Address: Enter an email address at which you can be contacted. Company or Organization: Enter the legally registered name of your organization or company. Department: Enter the name of your department within the organization. For example, you can enter IT or Web Security. Town or City: Enter the town or city where your organization or company is located. State or Province: Enter the state or providence where your organization or company is located. Country: In the drop-down list, select the country where your organization or company is located. To generate your CSR, click Next.
Click Save and save the CSR, making sure to note the filename and location of the file.
Click Finish.
Use a text editor (such as TextEdit) to open the file. Then, copy the text, including the -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and -----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- tags, and enter it into the DigiCert order form.
Note: During your DigiCert SSL Certificate ordering process, make sure that you select Mac OS X Server when asked to Select Server Software. This option ensures that you receive all the required certificates for Mac OS X Yosemite SSL Certificate Installation (Intermediate and SSL Certificates).
Ready to Order Your Mac OS X Yosemite SSL Certificates
Buy NowLearn MoreAfter your receive your SSL Certificate from DigiCert, your can install it.
2. Mac OS X Yosemite: Install Your SSL Certificate
If you have not yet created a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and ordered your certificate, see Mac OS X Yosemite: Create Your CSR.
After receiving your SSL Certificate, you first need to install the intermediate certificate on your server. Then, install your SSL Certificate on your server and assign the SSL Certificate to services.
To install and configure your SSL Certificate, do the following:
Install the Intermediate Certificate
Mac OS X Yosemite: How to Install the Intermediate Certificate.
Install your SSL Certificate.
Assign your SSL Certificate to Services
i. Mac OS X Yosemite: How to Install the Intermediate Certificate
Save the ZIP file onto your server, and extract the SSL Certificate file (your_domain_com.crt) and the DigiCert Intermediate Certificate file (DigiCertCA.crt) to a folder.
Double-click DigiCertCA.crt.
In the Add Certificates window, in the Keychain drop-down list, select System and then click Add.
Enter the administrator's password to authorize the change.
ii. Mac OS X Yosemite: How to Install Your SSL Certificate
Open the folder containing your SSL Certificate file (yourdomain_com.crt).
Keep this folder open so that you can readily access this file.
Open the Server App.
In the Finder window, under Favorites, click Applications and then double-click Server.
In the Server App window, under Choose a Mac, do one of the following options to select the server on which you want to install your SSL Certificate.
To install the certificate on this server
Select This Mac – YourServerName and then click Continue.
Enter your Administrator Name and Administrator Password and then click Allow.
To install the certificate on another server
Select Other Mac – YourServerName and then click Continue.
Enter your Host Name/IP Address, your Administrator Name and Administrator Password and then click Allow.
In the Server App window, under Server, click Certificates.
On the Certificates page, double-click on the Pending certificate that you created when generating the CSR.
On your certificate's page (i.e., under Certificate Files, in the Drag files received from your certificate vendor here box, drag-and-drop your SSL Certificate file (yourdomain_com.crt).
Click OK.
iii. Mac OS X Yosemite: How to Assign Your SSL Certificate to Services
In the Server App window, under Server, click Certificates.
On the Certificates page, in the Secure services using drop-down list, select Custom.
In the Service Certificates window, in the Certificate drop-down list, select your new SSL Certificate for each Service to which you want to assign it.
For example, in the Certificate drop-down list for Websites (Server Website – SSL) select your new SSL Certificate.
When you are finished, click OK.
You have successfully installed, configured, and assigned your SSL Certificate to your respective Services.
Test Your Installation
If your website is publicly accessible, our DigiCert® SSL Installation Diagnostics Tool can help you diagnose common problems.
Related Links
SSL Certificates
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus.
Mac OS X
(operating system)Mac OS X
(Mac OS 10) The current operating system from Apple for the Mac family. Starting in the fall of 2016, Version 10.12 uses the rebranded 'macOS' moniker and not OS X. See macOS and Sierra.OS X Server was introduced in 1999, and the client version came out in 2001. Based on Unix and featuring an entirely redesigned user interface, OS X was a major departure from the previous OS 9 system. For the first time, the rich set of Unix commands became available to all Mac developers (A/UX was an earlier Unix OS for the Mac but was not widely used).
Mac Os X Yosemite Requirements
OS X added protected memory, pre-emptive multitasking, multithreading and symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) to the Mac world. The heart of OS X is the open source, POSIX-compliant Darwin kernel, which includes an enhanced BSD 4.4 operating system and Mach 2.5 microkernel. See HFS.
Legacy Software
Prior to Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), OS X ran legacy OS 9 and earlier applications via its Classic software, which was a full copy of OS 9 that ran as an OS X process. Classic was not preloaded on new Macs, but was available for installation from the system disks.
In 2006, Apple switched from the PowerPC to the Intel platform, and Classic support was dropped in the Intel version of OS X. However, PowerPC applications could run on Intel Macs via an emulator (see Rosetta).
Programming Environments

There have been five programming interfaces (APIs) for writing Mac OS X applications. Cocoa is the native OS X interface, derived from OpenStep. Carbon is used for applications that can run on both OS X and earlier Mac OS machines, and Classic is the API prior to Mac OS X. Programs can also be developed in Java and BSD. See OpenStep and Cocoa.
Faster Cats!
Mac OS X versions were internally code-named after jungle cats. Starting with Version 10.2 (Jaguar), the animals became the official product name until Version 10.9 (see below). See Rhapsody and Bonjour.
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