For those looking for an app that can help you run the android system on your PC, then try using Bluestacks. This is an app that allows people to run any kinds of android apps such as games, texting on their computers. Many of you must be asking how the system works and is Bluestacks safe to use. Well, just like other emulators, Bluestacks is safe to use if you download the app from the official website. As for how it works, all you need to do is download the app on your computer. Bluestacks have been developing its features and their newest future is Bluestacks multiple accounts.
The steps in using Bluestacks is easy and simple to follow. After downloading and installing the app, users will just need to log in to their Google account. Once this is finished, they can start using apps on their computer. However, a frequently asked question is can people use one account for more than activity. Or is it possible to have Bluestacks multiple accounts? Well, with the newest version of Bluestacks, this is now possible. With Bluestacks 4, people can create multiple accounts that can make you play more than one game at a time. So, how can your Bluestack have multiple accounts? Final Word Download Bluestacks 3 For Windows Launched recently, it varies a lot from the Bluestacks android emulator for windows which was released many years back.
The latest versions of BlueStacks 3N (Android 32bit, Nougat 7.1): BlueStacks Download; The latest versions of BlueStacks 3 (Android 32bit, Kitkat 4.4): BlueStacks 3. Download; The latest versions of BlueStacks 2 (Android 32bit, Kitkat 4.4): BlueStacks 2.7.320.8504 Download; The latest versions of BlueStacks 0.x. BlueStacks App Player for PC Windows Released: 10th Jan 2021 (a few seconds ago) BlueStacks App Player for PC Windows Released. In BlueStacks 4, the performance level has increased more than 8% than BlueStack 3 which was the previous version of BlueStacks 4. Also, the performance of BlueStacks 4 is 6x faster than Samsung galaxy s9+ which is the best high-end device in 2018. Meanwhile, the performance of BlueStacks 4 is better than any Android device available right now.
Bluestacks 1 2 3 4 Exhaust Pipe

Open Multiple Bluestacks Multiple Accounts
1. Check Your Computer
Before installing the newest version of Bluestacks, check the details of your computer first. The latest Bluestack 4 can only be applied in Windows 7 and above or on the iOS system. Your PC must also have a minimum of 5GB free space for the app only. So, the more space you have the better it is to run the app. And last but also important, you must be an administrator on your PC.
2. Update Your Bluestack App
If your computer meets all the requirements above, then update your app with the newest one. With this new app, people can make multiple accounts and the app itself runs faster. So, if you are still using an older version don’t forget to update it.

3. Go to Setting
When your computer has been installed with Bluestacks, go to the setting menu on the app. Go to Bluestacks Multi-Instance Manager. In this menu, you should be seeing only one row with the word Bluestacks with status running. Whereas on the bottom right of the screen, you will see a new instance button. Click the button and add as many instances as you want. Then click the button Farm on the left bottom of the screen, so you can use it later.

4. Start the Instances
After you have done step number 4, all you need to do is click the start button on the side of each row. You can choose to start the instance now or later, as you like. On each row, you will also see four signs which are setting, short cut, paste, and delete. You can make a shortage of your instance by clicking the shortcut sign in each row.
5. Create a New Account
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This the last step in making Bluestacks multiple accounts on your PC. Once you have clicked the starting button, you can log in using a new account in the new instances. The steps in running the new instance are just like the ones before, log in and then choose the app you like.
So, after updating your apps, you can make Bluestacks multiple accounts on your PC. This way you can control more than one account and play more than one game on your PC. Once you finish one of the accounts, you can just log out and close the instance.