- v1.73 [Windows] [macOS] 2020.11.27
- GUI Improve: new Replace Trackers command in context menu of task list, when multiple BitTorrent tasks selected
- GUI Improve: new Update Tracker command in context menu of tracker list
- GUI Improve: advanced option to enable UDP Tracker support: bittorrent.udp_tracker
- GUI Improve: display TCP/UDP Upload Speed and Cache Size in Long-Term Seeding list for Export Mode
- GUI Improve: support sorting items in Long-Term Seeding list for Export Mode
- GUI Improve: display Total Row in Long-Term Seeding list for Export Mode
- GUI Improve: auto add a suffix to default saving file/folder name automatically for BitTorrent task only when creating tasks quietly
- GUI Improve: display DHT announce list in Export Mode
- GUI Improve: add a new limit of MAX 100000 for torrent list
- GUI Bugfix: torrent size estimation error in torrent make dialog if only single file selected
- GUI Bugfix: when batch download multiple torrents with metadata in torrent list, the task will be created one by one
- GUI Bugfix: the listen port setting in Remote Download option page should not be disabled if web interface disabled and APP interface enabled
- GUI Bugfix: fix mistake of query file size in HTTP task properties window
- GUI Bugfix: fix mistake of torrent list statusbar refresh
- Core Improve: support WS/WSS Trackers (WebTorrent is unsupported yet)
- Core Improve: use worker thread to read files for Long-Term Seeding to reduce UI lag
- Core Improve: use worker thread to read files for video file remote playback in APP
- Core Improve: optimization for Long-Term Seeding with torrents containing a lot of files
- Core Improve: improve torrent list loading, reduce UI lag
- Core Improve: support downloading metadata directly in Add New Task window in Android APP
- Core Improve: support selecting part of files in torrent to download in Android APP
- Core Improve: support download files from finished task in desktop version in computer to Android APP in mobile phone
- Core Improve: improve sqlite save operation, reduce disk drive activity
- Core Bugfix: files are not deleted when removing tasks which haven't been started yet
- Core Bugfix: avoid send duplicate UDP request to DHT nodes
- Core Bugfix: cache not released after disable Long-Term Seeding
- Core Bugfix: program crash when creating torrent file, if DHT disabled or pending startup
- Core Bugfix: bug in auto-rename for the task with duplicated save folder when creating BitTorrent task in batch
- Core Bugfix: program cannot start in Windows XP
- Core Bugfix: task queue operation incorrectly if task progress dropped from 100% due to file missing detection
- v1.72 [Windows] [macOS] 2020.10.21
- GUI Improve: add a suffix to default saving file/folder name automatically for BitTorrent task if a file/folder has the same name exists
- GUI Improve: stop time-out counting when click any option check-box in duplicate files prompt dialog for BitTorrent task
- GUI Improve: auto switch unit for upload/download size in peer list of BitTorrent task
- GUI Improve: display memory info in graph pane
- GUI Improve: auto layout positions of legends in graph pane
- GUI Improve: torrent size estimation handle the piece-alignment option in torrent make dialog
- GUI Improve: remove advanced option dht.udp_sessions_threshold, add new advanced option dht.udp_send_queue_threshold
- GUI Improve: display number of dropped DHT requires
- GUI Improve: show CPU usage in flow graph in macOS version
- GUI Bugfix: fix crash when click download eMule plugin button in Option window
- GUI Bugfix: creation date in task summary not refreshed after metadata downloaded for BitTorrent task
- GUI Bugfix: metadata icon in torrent list not refreshed after metadata downloaded
- Core Improve: use worker thread for Long-Term Seeding to reduce UI lag
- Core Improve: add support of Long-Term Seeding for files smaller than 1MB
- Core Improve: when UDP send queue threshold of DHT reached, incoming DHT requires are dropped
- Core Improve: able to identify Shareaza client
- Core Bugfix: task queue operation incorrectly if choose seeding directly using exist files after opening torrent
- Core Bugfix: if the DHT network startup delay is enabled, the auto-started tasks will not announce to DHT any more
- Core Bugfix: crash when DNS querying
- v1.71 [Windows] [macOS] 2020.9.7
- GUI Improve: add new advanced option: ui.copy_magnet_with_tracker
- GUI Improve: add new advanced option: dht.startup_delay_sec
- GUI Improve: add new advanced option: dht.udp_sessions_threshold
- GUI Improve: add Long-Term Seeding list to left channel list when expert_mode enabled
- GUI Improve: display number of files for Long-Term Seeding in flow graph
- GUI Improve: display number of DHT nodes and sessions by type in flow graph
- GUI Improve: display CPU usage in flow graph
- GUI Improve: display flow graph pane under torrent list also
- GUI Improve: display UDP sending queue length for separate category in Statistics pane
- GUI Improve: display number of DNS cache in Statistics pane
- GUI Improve: tracker list supports sorting
- GUI Improve: do not switch to download list after add new BitTorrent task from RSS page
- GUI Improve: display banned peers of BitTorrent task in separate group
- GUI Bugfix: binding IP address in advanced option can not be modified
- GUI Bugfix: update time of RSS feeds not changed after manual refresh
- GUI Bugfix: tooltip displayed incorrectly when the column order of peer list adjusted
- Core Improve: UDP sending queue changed to multiple queues
- Core Improve: prevent Sonic Studio 3 DLL injection, enhance program stability
- Core Improve: BitTorrent task start Long-Term Seeding automatically if become 100% completed after hash checking
- Core Improve: add cache for DNS query
- Core Improve: UDP Tracker connect will retry later if length of sending queue reached limit
- Core Improve: reduce unnecessary DHT transmission if reached the threshold of UDP sessions
- Core Improve: increase the priority of connection for passport login
- Core Bugfix: empty folder left after moving downloaded files for finished task
- v1.70 [Windows] [macOS] 2020.8.9
- GUI Improve: add option to start seeding after generating torrent file
- GUI Improve: advanced option system.show_debug_info renamed to system.enable_expert_mode
- GUI Improve: add DHT network node list to left channel list when expert_mode enabled
- GUI Improve: add flow graph for download speed, upload speed, DHT transfer
- GUI Improve: display location code if no location image in peer list
- GUI Improve: Add HTTP download in batch window support paste HTTP URL list
- GUI Improve: 'Remember my settings' in Auto Shutdown menu changed to 'Remember Shutdown Condition'
- GUI Bugfix: number of Torrent History not refreshed after generating torrent file
- GUI Bugfix: peer download progress not displayed in peer list
- GUI Bugfix: IP location icon display bug when using 150% DPI
- GUI Bugfix: download speed display bug in floating window
- GUI Bugfix: binding IP address in advanced option can not be set to unassigned
- Core Bugfix: data save failure due to zero-size file in torrent
- Core Bugfix: program may crash when downloading pieces containing file boundary in v1.69
- Core Bugfix: initial seeding option can not be saved due to asynchronous modification operation of BT task properties (v1.68 - 1.69)
- v1.69 [Windows] [macOS] 2020.7.8
- GUI Improve: display Mobile APP traffic in the info-tips of upload size and upload speed in task summary pane
- GUI Improve: display detailed failure info of download torrent in BT task log pane
- GUI Improve: display IP location in peer list of BitTorrent task
- GUI Bugfix: the main window should not be restored by relaunch program if entered lock mode while the main window minimized
- GUI Bugfix: can't change the default download directory for a task tag in the Option window
- GUI Bugfix: handle the situation of LAN IP is the same with WAN IP in Remote Download page of Options window
- Core Improve: improve error handling after piece hash check failure of BT task
- Core Improve: part of the file operation is moved to the worker thread to reduce UI freeze
- Core Improve: improve torrent share data processing and reduce UI freeze
- Core Improve: supports brotli compress for HTTP Tracker, torrent download and visit RSS feeds
- Core Improve: apply advanced option http.user_agent to all HTTP connections besides HTTP file download
- Core Improve: remove HTTP request header: Pragma/Cache-Control: no-cache
- Core Bugfix: occasionally crash when starting BT task asynchronously
- v1.68.1 [macOS] 2020.6.28
- GUI Bugfix: disk space display error in task properties dialog in Mac edition
- GUI Bugfix: check box display error in file list of BT tasks in Mac edition
- v1.68 [Windows] [macOS] 2020.6.15
- GUI Improve: add Bind App button for BitComet Android edition in toolbar and tools menu
- GUI Improve: add enable BitComet App option in Remote Download page of Options window
- GUI Improve: add Bind App button in Remote Download page of Options window
- GUI Improve: add Devices button in Remote Download page of Options window
- GUI Improve: add force HTTPS option in Remote Download page of Options window
- GUI Improve: display Remote Download info in Statistics pane
- GUI Improve: allow piece alignment option when creating private torrent file
- GUI Improve: new advanced option: system.process_io_priority
- GUI Improve: display long-term seeds info in Tracker list
- GUI Improve: add auto refresh option in torrent list toolbar
- GUI Improve: add refresh button in torrent list toolbar
- GUI Improve: keep selection state of focused item in torrent list when auto refresh
- GUI Improve: filter RSS torrent list by RSS feed name
- GUI Improve: new option in RSS torrent list: auto download meta-data
- GUI Improve: new option in torrent collect list: auto download meta-data
- GUI Improve: keep multiple selection in torrent list when auto-refresh disabled
- GUI Improve: new column in torrent list: has metadata
- GUI Improve: display Long-Term Seeding info in Summary pane when system.show_debug_info turned on
- GUI Improve: remember show/hide state of task tags toolbar when program restart
- GUI Improve: display UDP transfer info in Statistics pane
- GUI Improve: display DNS failure info of UDP transfer in Statistics pane
- GUI Bugfix: sort bug for first column of torrent list
- GUI Bugfix: the downloaded icon in torrent list does not refresh in time
- GUI Bugfix: Option window may display incorrectly when opened for second time in Mac edition
- GUI Bugfix: program may crash when drag and drop multiple HTTP links to main windows or floating window
- Core Improve: selecting files to download for BitTorrent task changes to asynchronous operation, to reduce the UI lag
- Core Improve: clean up unfinished files for BitTorrent task changes to asynchronous operation, to reduce the UI lag
- Core Improve: when sharing torrents in Torrent Exchange, give higher priority to the torrents whose content have been downloaded
- Core Improve: assign padding attribute to padding files according to BEP47 when creating torrent file
- Core Improve: handling padding file attribute when opening torrent file
- Core Improve: enhance security for Remote Download
- Core Improve: supports view task info from BitComet Android edition
- Core Improve: supports add, start, stop task from BitComet Android edition
- Core Improve: supports play completed mp4, mkv video files from BitComet Android edition
- Core Improve: do not retry within 1 minute after DNS failure for UDP transfer
- Core Bugfix: the piece containing file boundary can not be downloaded in individual cases
- v1.67 [Windows] [macOS] 2020.5.6
- GUI Improve: new command in context menu of task list: search online for the task name
- GUI Improve: new global option: save the torrent file to download folder
- GUI Improve: display the number of DHT torrents with metadata in left channel pane if show torrents with metadata option enabled
- GUI Improve: reduce UI lag of BitTorrent task properties dialog when use network folder as download folder
- GUI Improve: new command in context menu of torrent list: search online for the torrent name
- GUI Improve: new advanced option: system.check_bcagent, disable check OCX control status for browser extensions at startup
- GUI Improve: new settings in tasks page of option window: start queued task if the download speed of slowest task is lower than
- GUI Improve: display UPNP port mapping info in global log
- GUI Bugfix: the upload limit can not be set to 1, 2, 3...9MB/s in Option dialog
- GUI Bugfix: magnet URI tasks not displayed in Uncompleted task list after program restart
- Core Improve: the format of data file of torrent history list changed from xml to sqlite, conversation will be performed automatically when program launch
- Core Improve: improve algorithm of removing items in torrent list, reduce UI lag
- Core Improve: increase sorting speed for snapshot and post column in torrent list
- Core Improve: improve algorithm of long-term seeding, reduce UI lag
- Core Improve: starting BT task changes to asynchronous operation, to reduce the UI lag
- Core Improve: reduce process time for stopping BT task
- Core Improve: reduce process time for removing BT tasks without deleting downloaded files
- Core Improve: reduce UI lag due to long-term seeding
- Core Bugfix: BT task may stop unexpectedly due to file not found if yellow blocks appear in piece map
- Core Bugfix: program may crash when sorting torrent list
- Core Bugfix: disk boost service not utilized when allocate disk space before downloading option disabled
- Core Bugfix: metadata download task not removed when removing items in torrent list
- v1.66 [Windows] [macOS] 2020.4.13
- GUI Improve: improve icons in toolbar and download list for HiDPI display
- GUI Improve: add settings button in toolbar of torrent list
- GUI Improve: new option for DHT torrents: Only show torrents with metadata
- GUI Improve: add Feed Name in RSS torrent list
- GUI Improve: display number of piece in torrent maker dialog
- GUI Improve: display metadata downloading info in Statistics pane
- GUI Improve: do not display listen port of peer if unknown for BT peers
- GUI Improve: 'Preview Download Mode' renamed to 'Sequential Download Mode' in context menu of BT task
- GUI Improve: add Compact Database command in settings menu of torrent list
- GUI Improve: new advanced option: bittorrent.dht_torrent_refresh_interval, 5 sec as default to decrease disk activity time
- GUI Improve: new advanced option: system.compact_memory_interval
- GUI Improve: display configuration file folder in Global Log pane
- GUI Improve: display Long-Term Seeding status in Statistics Pane
- GUI Improve: add copy command to context menu of settings list in advanced option page
- GUI Improve: improve HiDPI support for Batch download dialog
- GUI Improve: new option in Proxy setting page: DNS query using proxy server
- GUI Improve: add unit choice for Speed limit in Option dialog
- GUI Improve: support add batch-download by drag and drop multiple URL links to floating window or main window
- GUI Improve: support add batch-download by clipboard monitor
- GUI Improve: new advanced option: bittorrent.hash_check_for_ltseed
- GUI Improve: add memory usage details about process heap size and disk write buffer size
- GUI Improve: new settings in advanced option page to select IP address to bind to when initiate a connection
- GUI Improve: show pending DNS number in Statistics pane
- GUI Bugfix: the number of torrents in the left channel list is not refreshed in time
- GUI Bugfix: sort bug for first column of Torrent History list
- GUI Bugfix: task summary panel text alignment
- GUI Bugfix: level progress display error when progress is 0% in the lower left corner
- GUI Bugfix: incorrect configuration file folder used in certain case
- GUI Bugfix: UI lag when select all by Ctrl+A in torrent list
- Core Improve: DHT Tracker use worker thread to reduce the UI lag
- Core Improve: support initiate a connection using preferred network adapter if multiple network adapters exist in system
- Core Improve: support IPv6 connection through SOCKS5 proxy server
- Core Improve: support UTF8 BOM when improve URL list from text file in Batch download dialog
- Core Improve: support extract URL links containing Chinese characters from html page segment dropped to BitComet from web page
- Core Improve: improve memory allocation, decrease memory usage for UDP buffer and log buffer
- Core Improve: optimize UDP packet sending efficiency,default value of network.max_udp_pkt_per_sec changed to 1000 from 500
- Core Improve: avoid program crash caused by IE component damage
- Core Improve: improve Preview download mode for BT task
- Core Improve: reduce memory usage when downloading metadata for DHT torrent list
- Core Bugfix: the global option 'allocation disk space before download' works even when disabled
- Core Bugfix: empty files should not be created when performs hash-check
- Core Bugfix: connection error retry issue when download from long-term seed
- Core Bugfix: fix speed limit deviation
- Core Bugfix: 'Sequential Download Mode' does not work if 'Optimize download strategy for preview' disabled in Option dialog
- v1.65 [Windows] [macOS] 2020.3.17
- GUI Improve: Display left time in torrent making dialog
- GUI Improve: add more items to backup in Import/Export dialog from File menu
- GUI Improve: display torrent creation time and RSS article publication time in Summary page of torrent list separately
- GUI Improve: the publish time in torrent list changed from torrent creation time to RSS article publication time
- GUI Improve: add new commands to context menu of RSS list: Copy title
- GUI Improve: the publish time in torrent list can be updated by click Reload command in context menu of RSS torrent node in Channel list
- GUI Improve: improve port mapping error message
- GUI Improve: the start time of task renamed to added time
- GUI Improve: LT Seed number in file list of BT task changed to 'connected/total'
- GUI Improve: new advanced option to set HTTP retry max number and interval for downloading torrent in BT task
- GUI Improve: new advanced option: network.tcp_connection_timeout
- GUI Improve: new advanced option: bittorrent.max_connections_per_ltseed
- GUI Improve: default setting of UDP packets sent per second changed from 100 to 500 in advanced option page
- GUI Improve: display task logs about downloading torrent file from HTTP link for BT task
- GUI Improve: add memory usage details in Statistics pane
- GUI Bugfix: task delete button in toolbar should not be grayed out when task is running
- Core Improve: support import and export Torrent History, Torrent Exchange, RSS Torrents, DHT Torrents via backup file
- Core Improve: improve DNS resolution for UDP packet to prevent sending congestion
- Core Improve: add error retry for BT task when downloading torrent file from HTTP link
- Core Improve: add TCP connecting timeout for automatic disconnection
- Core Bugfix: after one file downloaded from a LT Seed, no requests for downloading other file are sent
- Core Bugfix: out of memory due to huge number of peer requests to running BT task
- Core Bugfix: while proxy server enabled, the program may crash when exiting
- Core Bugfix: the max TCP connection setting should be cons considered when initiating a long-term download connection
- Core Bugfix: fix improper operation in executable file name safety checking
- v1.64 [Windows] 2020.1.15
- GUI Improve: add new advanced option: Use toast notifications in action center under Windows 10 (Need to create shortcut in start menu)
- GUI Improve: the max connection number for HTTP download task changed from 20 to 200 in HTTP task properties window
- GUI Improve: the max default connection number for HTTP download task changed from 20 to 200 in option window
- GUI Improve: show notification when the paging file is too small for memory allocation
- GUI Improve: add info-tip for peer count, health and share ratio column in task download list
- GUI Improve: improve display for HiDPI
- GUI Bugfix: the display name parameter in the magnetic link caused the default save name of the downloaded file to be incorrect
- GUI Bugfix: issues on sorting torrent list by snapshot or comments
- GUI Bugfix: the speed graph not cleared after perform disk cleanup for HTTP task
- GUI Bugfix: the queuing state icon not displayed if the task is in error state
- GUI Bugfix: the function of sorting by task state not working for queuing tasks
- Core Improve: enhanced the ability of HTTP download tasks to detect server support for download resume
- Core Improve: reduce memory usage for torrent metadata download
- Core Improve: improve video file snapshot, support thumbnail, decrease loading time
- Core Improve: disable extra disk writing verify to decrease disk usage
- Core Bugfix: if auto file moving launched after hash check when BitTorrent download finished, the files been moved will bot be removed
- Core Bugfix: HTTP download should stop immediately after failure of creating file
- Core Bugfix: program may crash at exit
- v1.63 [Windows] [macOS] 2019.12.20
- GUI Improve: new RSS Torrents list in Torrent Exchange, to collect torrent info from RSS feeds
- GUI Improve: new DHT Torrents list in Torrent Exchange, to collect torrent info in peer request from DHT network
- GUI Improve: add Download Metadata command to context menu of torrent list, to obtain torrent meta-data without creating download task
- GUI Improve: add Logs pane to torrent list, to display logs when obtaining torrent meta-data
- GUI Improve: decrease displaying time of waiting state when loading web page of task comments and snapshots
- GUI Improve: new settings in Proxy option page: do not use proxy for long-term seeding and port forward detection
- GUI Improve: display RSS update logs when advanced option system.show_debug_info enabled
- GUI Improve: new option in context menu of DHT torrents in left channel pane: auto download meta-data
- GUI Improve: new advanced options: Max number of concurrent downloading meta-data, Timeout seconds of downloading meta-data
- GUI Bugfix: the default connection number in HTTP batch download window changed from 1 to the setting value in Option window
- GUI Bugfix: the speed graph not cleared after perform disk cleanup for BitTorrent task
- GUI Bugfix: when click the blank area in piece map scroll bar out of the thumb, page up or page down not triggered.
- GUI Bugfix: the status bar of main window flickers when refresh
- Core Improve: improve identification code of BitTorrent client name and version
- Core Improve: do not detect IPv6 port forward status if global IPv6 address not found in system
- Core Bugfix: fix moving operations of configuration files when switch use_app_data advanced option
- Core Bugfix: program may crash when force stop tasks in stopping state
- Core Bugfix: the option of clear Torrent Collection list at program exit does not work
- Core Bugfix: the passkey parameter in tracker URL for private torrent should not be removed for non-MagnetURI torrents received from RSS feed
- Core Bugfix: if no data received from RSS feed, the reconnection will not be preformed in certain case
- Core Bugfix: if the torrent turned out private after meta-data received, no trackers should be added automatically from trackers-list
- v1.62 [Windows] 2019.11.26
- GUI Improve: a new option to seed using existing files when create task by torrent file, check piece hash until uploading the piece
- GUI Improve: improve refresh algorithm of piece map to decrease CPU usage
- GUI Improve: display a piece in yellow if the piece is unchecked in the piece map pane of BitTorrent task
- GUI Improve: improve display refreshing code of torrent share list, reduce the UI lag when display large amounts of torrents
- GUI Improve: a new prompt to choose download one by one or in batches when select multiple magnet links in torrent share list
- GUI Improve: add tooltip to display peer_id when mouse hover on client name of peer list
- GUI Improve: the default allowed max size of torrent file changed from 10MB to 20MB, and a new advanced option added: bittorrent.max_torrent_size_mb
- GUI Improve: boss key renamed to lock / unlock main window hot-key. password will be needed when unlock if startup password is set.
- GUI Improve: new advanced option: bittorrent.anti_leech_banned_peer_ids
- GUI Improve: new advanced option: bittorrent.anti_leech_private_torrent, disabled by default
- GUI Improve: show notification when out of memory
- GUI Improve: Task disk space cleanup can only be invoked when task stopped
- Core Improve: BT stop changes to asynchronous operation with new task Stopping state, to reduce the UI lag when stopping tasks
- Core Improve: improve processing flow to reduce the UI lag when task finishes downloading
- Core Improve: improve processing flow to reduce the UI lag when deleting running tasks
- Core Improve: discard cache data in running BitTorrent tasks when quit BitComet to reduce the UI lag
- Core Improve: improve processing flow of task start to reduce the UI lag
- Core Improve: improve processing flow of task progress auto save to reduce the UI lag
- Core Improve: the format of data file of torrent share list changed from xml to sqlite, conversation will be performed automatically when program launch
- Core Improve: reduce the memory consume for loading torrent share list, to avoid program crash due to large amounts of torrents
- Core Improve: use worker thread to save data file of torrent share list incrementally, to avoid UI lag caused by saving data file at program exit
- Core Improve: decrease CPU usage when uploading in high speed
- Core Improve: increase the max allowed length of request queue for BitTorrent task
- Core Improve: update BitTorrent client identification code for Tixati
- Core Improve: support retrieve peer client name and version from extension protocol, on the basis of the identification from peer_id
- Core Improve: auto fix mistaken creation date format in torrent file
- Core Bugfix: when completed task list selected in left pane, Magnet tasks downloading meta data should not be displayed
- Core Bugfix: fix data error from uploading disk cache in rare cases
- v1.61 [Windows] 2019.11.4
- GUI Improve: improve filter for auto torrent download from RSS feed
- GUI Improve: do not display unknown as name for tasks created from HTTP URL of torrent file
- GUI Improve: new command in context menu of RSS article list: copy torrent link
- GUI Improve: show tooltip when mouse hover on status column of peer list
- GUI Improve: check disk boost service when program starts, display fix notification if not installed
- GUI Improve: task finish popup changed to toast notification of Action Center in Windows 10
- GUI Improve: auto update interval of RSS feed changed to the shorter one of user setting and feed setting
- GUI Improve: add new setting bittorrent.anti_leech_banned_ports in Advanced page of Options window
- GUI Improve: The option window automatically adjusts the window size according to the minimum size of the page when switching pages
- GUI Improve: add search options box in Advanced page of Options window
- GUI Bugfix: the setting of max number of RSS article works incorrectly
- GUI Bugfix: refresh task properties dialog after meta-data downloaded right away
- GUI Bugfix: fix display problem of floating window with HiDPI scale
- GUI Bugfix: remove obsoleted option: display task properties dialog after meta-data downloaded for Magnet link
- GUI Bugfix: publisher info not displayed in BitTorrent task properties dialog
- GUI Bugfix: copy RSS feed URL will get RSS feed web-page URL
- Core Improve: Improve compatibility with XML file formats returned by RSS feeds
- Core Improve: for the option that start a new task from waiting queue when total download speed lower than setting value, also stop a slowest task at the same time
- Core Improve: switch to IE11 render mode for RSS web-page in Window 10
- Core Bugfix: The Magnet link task addition time is changed from the time of torrent file downloaded to the time of task created.
- Core Bugfix: problem about the auto refresh interval for RSS feeds
- v1.60 [Windows] 2019.10.17
- GUI Improve: add new command to File menu: add torrents from RSS feed
- GUI Improve: add RSS page in Option window, to configure RSS feed auto refresh and RSS torrent auto download
- GUI Improve: new setting in RSS page of Option window: add tag to task using feed title when auto download torrent from RSS feed
- GUI Improve: new setting in RSS page of Option window: pause download when auto download torrent from RSS feed
- GUI Improve: new setting in RSS page of Option window: filters for RSS torrent auto download
- GUI Improve: add new commands to context menu of RSS list: Copy RSS feed URL, Open page in Browser
- GUI Improve: able to download torrents using multiple-selection in RSS article list
- GUI Improve: add toolbar to web page pane of RSS article
- GUI Improve: new column in task list: number of task files
- GUI Improve: improve display speed of opening Option windows
- GUI Improve: support copy text in multiple lines of Statistics pane
- Core Improve: add RSS feed auto refresh and RSS torrent auto download function
- Core Improve: display corresponding RSS article title in task log when add torrent from RSS feed
- Core Improve: improve disk reading cache for BitTorrent uploading, decrease UI lag
- Core Bugfix: fix memory leakage when connecting to trackers using HTTPS protocol
- Core Bugfix: fix bug in task merging when one task downloaded a torrent from HTTP having the same infohash as another task
- v1.59 [Windows] [macOS] 2019.9.17
- GUI Improved: revert task remove window, add Cleanup command to task context menu
- GUI Improved: improve Torrent Share list refresh
- GUI Improved: the max value of advanced setting network.max_connecting_connections changed from 1000 to 10000
- GUI Improved: add advanced option log.tracker_limit to set the max number of logs for tracker
- GUI Improved: add advanced option log.task_limit to set the max number of logs for task
- GUI Improved: add Clear Log command to context menu of Tracker list, available when system.show_debug_info enabled
- GUI Improved: add Clear Log command to context menu of task log list, available when system.show_debug_info enabled
- GUI Improved: display number of pending TCP connections in Statistics pane
- GUI Improved: add indicator for private torrent in summary pane of BitTorrent task
- Core Improve: improve memory allocation strategy, decrease memory fragment
- Core Improve: decrease interval of creating new TCP connections, and increase network throughput
- Core Improve: remove passkey parameter from tracker URL for private torrent received from Magnet Link
- Core Improve: active Long-Term seeding after task downloading finished immediately
- Core Improve: do not retry when failed to send STOP action to tracker
- Core Bugfix: improve peer connection request algorithm, avoid new added peers not been connected for a long time
- v1.58 [Windows] [macOS] 2019.7.6
- GUI Improved: support 32MB piece size when creating torrent file, and show estimated size of torrent
- GUI Improved: add fit column size command in context menu of list view header
- GUI Improved: add 2 new options in task remove window: delete unfinished download files only, delete all downloaded files
- GUI Improved: display torrent creator info in task summary page
- GUI Improved: improve floating window display for HiDPI
- GUI Improved: allow up to 10 new task windows to be displayed simultaneously
- GUI Improved: display flag for registered BitComet users of IPv6 in peers list of BitTorrent task
- GUI Improved: display tracker returned leechers amount in tracker list of BitTorrent task
- GUI Bugfix: display issue of item group fold/unfold in Statistics pane
- GUI Bugfix: max upload rate per BitTorrent task in Option window does not take effect immediately when changed
- GUI Bugfix: Long-Term seeding upload speed not displayed in tooltip of BitTorrent task summary pane when task stopped
- Core Improve: improve peer connection request algorithm: assign high priority for new added peers, and cleanup dead peers with failures
- Core Improve: enable Long-Term seeding immediately after new torrent created
- Core Improve: max allowed connection interval of tracker changed to 120 minutes
- Core Improve: add advanced option: bittorrent.save_connected_peers_only
- Core Bugfix: when select part of files in torrent to download, the left size sent to tracker should include all uncompleted files
- Core Bugfix: the upload, download size in first announce to tracker is incorrect when task restart after stop
- Core Bugfix: announcement not sent to tracker when task restart immediately after stop
- Core Bugfix: no DHT nodes should be written into torrent when DHT Network option unselected in torrent maker window
- Core Bugfix: connection error after first announce to HTTPS tracker
- Core Bugfix: HTTP download fails when URL contains IPv6 address host
- Core Bugfix: improve stability of Long-Term Seeding disk cache
- v1.57 [Windows] [macOS] 2019.5.8
- GUI Improved: choose only KB/s or MB/s as speed unit automatically, excluding B/s
- GUI Improved: do not allow reentrancy of new task creating window to avoid stack overflow
- GUI Bugfix: program may crash at exit triggered by Windows shutdown/restart/logoff
- Core Improve: support TLS v1.3 for HTTPS
- Core Improve: support Server Name Indication for multiple domains hosted HTTPS sever
- Core Bugfix: Long-Term Seeding does not work for certain torrents
- v1.56.0 [macOS] 2019.3.20
- Core Improve: synchronize with Windows version
- v1.56 [Windows] 2019.3.13
- GUI Bugfix: mistake in UI translations
- Core Bugfix: disk cache setting for Long-Term Seeding does not take effect
- Core Bugfix: improve stability of Long-Term Seeding
- Core Bugfix: Long-Term Seeding does not work in pure IPv6 network
- Core Bugfix: after all trackers in private torrent been replaced, no tracker will be connected when task downloading
- v1.55 [Windows] 2019.1.14
- GUI Improved: add new task categories 'Uncompleted' and more in left Channel pane, which can be switch by context menu
- GUI Improved: add RSS feeds in left Channel pane
- GUI Improved: Statistics pane displays listening port status of IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP separately
- GUI Improved: Trackers pane displays peer number from PEX
- GUI Improved: Peers pane displays downloaded and uploaded size of disconnected peers
- GUI Improved: new Long-Term Seeding disk cache setting in Option window
- GUI Improved: Statistics pane displays disk cache info of BitTorrent transfer, HTTP download and Long-Term Seeding separately
- GUI Improved: choose KB/s or MB/s as speed unit automatically
- GUI Improved: when sort task by time, display tasks of unknown time as earliest
- GUI Improved: identify video file type of .webm and .ogv
- GUI Bugfix: toolbar display incorrectly after change Windows UI theme
- GUI Bugfix: tooltip of task summary will show up even when window not in foreground
- GUI Bugfix: occasionally crash when display popup window of task download progress
- Core Improve: support Long-Term Seeding in IPv6 network
- Core Improve: optimize the disk cache for Long-Term Seeding
- Core Improve: add UDP incoming status detect for listening port
- Core Improve: report IPv4, IPv6 address to other peer in dual-stack network, to establish double way connections
- Core Bugfix: decrease UI lag when executable file download finished
- Core Bugfix: too many tracker connections when multiple BitTorrent tasks download at the same time
- Core Bugfix: improve stability of Long-Term Seeding
- v1.54.0 [macOS] 2018.12.12
- GUI Improved: update translations
- Core Improve: synchronize with Windows version
- v1.54 [Windows] 2018.12.6
- GUI Improved: add log out action when all task finished
- GUI Improved: increase disk cache max limit for 64 bits system
- GUI Improved: add option to disable peer exchange globally in advanced page of Option window
- GUI Improved: update translations
- GUI Bugfix: crash when remove task if file list pane tab reordered
- GUI Bugfix: should not use index.html as default file name if no name found in Magnet URI dragged from web page
- Core Improve: decrease disk cache size when page file insufficient
- Core Bugfix: incoming connection should be disconnected immediately when invalid encryption BitTorrent protocol detected
- v1.53.11 [macOS] 2018.11.25
- Core Bugfix: program crash occasionally
- v1.53.10 [macOS] 2018.11.23
- Core Improve: enhance crash report ability
- v1.53.9 [macOS] 2018.11.22
- GUI Bugfix: minor UI bugs
- v1.53.8 [macOS] 2018.11.16
- GUI Bugfix: support UPnP NAT port mapping
- GUI Bugfix: minor UI bugs
- v1.53.7 [macOS] 2018.11.13
- GUI Bugfix: the scroll bar in task list not shown
- GUI Bugfix: the tooltip for detailed info in summary pane not shown
- v1.53.6 [macOS] 2018.11.12
- GUI Bugfix: the Auto Shutdown functions in Tools menu does not work
- v1.53.5 [macOS] 2018.11.6
- GUI Bugfix: the option of prevent system from sleep when task running does not work
- v1.53.4 [macOS] 2018.11.5
- GUI Bugfix: program may crash when input numbers text field
- GUI Bugfix: Piece Map displays empty pane
- v1.53.3 [macOS] 2018.11.4
- GUI Bugfix: program may crash when displaying tooltip
- Core Bugfix: program may crash when detecting listening port status
- v1.53.2 [macOS] 2018.11.3
- GUI Bugfix: crash when change proxy settings in options window
- v1.53.1 [macOS] 2018.11.2
- GUI Improved: add update check for mac version
- GUI Bugfix: crash when change connection settings in options window
- v1.53.0 [macOS] 2018.11.1
- first published version for macOS
- v1.53 [Windows] 2018.10.26
- GUI Improved: support add BitTorrent task using 32-byte Base32 encoded infohash of magnet link directly in 'Open torrent from URL' dialaog
- GUI Improved: increase maximum text length of input box in 'Open torrent from URL' dialaog
- GUI Improved: add resize ability to 'Open torrent from URL' dialaog
- GUI Improved: improve support for high-DPI monitor of statistic information dialog of multiple tasks
- GUI Changed: remove VIP Acceleration page from Channels in left pane
- GUI Changed: remove VIP Acceleration tab from BitTorrent task properties dialog
- GUI Bugfix: dialog display will be deferred while high-speed downloading
- Core Improve: the max value of network.max_connecting_connections in advanced options changed from 200 to 1000
- Core Bugfix: the default value of network.start_connect_interval_ms in advanced options changed from 200 to 100
- Core Improve: support IPv6 address when detecting listening port status
- Core Changed: remove VIP Acceleration and Anonymous Download for BitTorrent task
- v1.52 2018.7.18
- GUI Improved: HTTP(S)/FTP download support IPv6 URL link
- GUI Improved: Peer list and Tracker list support display IPv6 address
- GUI Improved: IPv6 address of LAN/WAN displayed in Statistics pane
- GUI Improved: DHT network node info of IPv4 and IPv6 displayed in Statistics pane
- GUI Improved: add SHA256 checksum verification to HTTP task properties dialog
- GUI Improved: add DNS resolve error info for UDP Tracker
- GUI Improved: upgrade UI text translation website https://bbcomet.com/projects/bitcomet/
- GUI Bugfix: unable to add HTTPS URL as Web Seed in torrent file maker window
- GUI Bugfix: errors when displaying new version upgrade window
- Core Improve: support IPv6 network (Windows XP SP1 or later required)
- Core Improve: support IPv6 HTTP Tracker
- Core Improve: support IPv6 UDP Tracker
- Core Improve: support IPv6 DHT Tracker
- Core Improve: allow upload pieces containing file boundary when part of files in torrent selected for download
- Core Bugfix: data not saved into piece_part file correctly in a few particular situations when part of files in torrent selected for download
- v1.51 2018.6.12
- GUI Improved: new settings in Tracker page of option window, automatically add trackers when start BitTorrent download
- GUI Improved: new settings in Tracker page of option window, automatically update trackers list every day
- GUI Improved: increase max value for global rate limit, task rate limit and scheduler rate limit from 9999kB/s to 100MB/s
- GUI Improved: improve support for high-DPI monitor
- GUI Bugfix: unsupport download torrent file from HTTPS link
- GUI Bugfix: remove P2PCache function from Advanced page of Option window, which was out-of-service for a long time
- Core Improve: improve download speed stability of BitTorrent downloading
- Core Improve: increase max download speed of single connection of BitTorrent downloading
- Core Improve: refine Crash Report program
- Core Bugfix: fix problems when exit program while high-speed downloading
- v1.50 2018.5.3
- GUI Improved: the file list in BitTorrent task properties dialog can switch between simple list and tree list
- GUI Bugfix: background color of URL input box displayed incorrectly when create new HTTP task
- GUI Bugfix: speed graph displayed incorrectly when high speed downloading
- Core Improve: refine Crash Report program
- Core Improve: update BitTorrent client identification code
- Core Bugfix: certain file name displayed incorrectly in BitTorrent task
- v1.49 2018.2.6
- GUI Improved: improve context menu of Torrent History list, Torrent Share list and Torrent Collection list
- GUI Improved: add Transmission to allowed client list in Option window
- GUI Improved: improve support for high-DPI monitor
- GUI Bugfix: order disordered when collapse or expand sorted file list of BitTorrent task
- GUI Bugfix: when open directory of a file in sub-directory from the file list of BitTorrent task, incorrect directory opened
- Core Improve: update BitTorrent client identification code
- Core Improve: decrease piece_part file size for BitTorrent task with only part files selected to download
- Utorrent 64 Bit Download Windows 7
- Bittorrent 64 Bit Windows 10
- Bittorrent Software Download For Windows 10 64 Bit Windows 7
- Utorrent Windows 10 64 Bit
- Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit Torrent
Current Stable Version
The current stable release of GIMP is 2.10.22 (2020-10-04).
Instant play on in-progress downloads; Built-in bandwidth booster; BitTorrent on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs. This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from p2p filesharing software without restrictions. BitTorrent 7.10.5 (.45496) is available to all software users as a free. Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10 Team (Surface Hub), HoloLens, Xbox One. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for BitTorrent - Torrent Downloader.
Pssst... want to check out the GIMP 2.99.4 development release?
Get it on our development downloads page.
We think your OS is Well, we don't actually know. Either JavaScript is disabled, or I am not working quite right... So I am showing you all the options.
Show downloads for GNU/Linux | OS X | Microsoft Windows | All
GIMP for Unix-like systems
If available, the official package from your Unix-like distribution is the recommended method of installing GIMP!
The flatpak build is new and has known limitations, though it will likely provide faster updates, following GIMP releases closely.
Therefore choose your installation medium according to your needs.
Flatpak build available in: x86-64, ARM and AArch64.
Flatpak additional instructions
The flatpak link above should open your software installer and prompt you to install GIMP. Yet it may not work out-of-the-box on some platforms since the flatpak technology is new. If that is the case, ensure flatpak is installed and if clicking the link still does not prompt to install GIMP, then manually install by command line:

flatpak install https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/org.gimp.GIMP.flatpakref
Once installed, it will be made available exactly the same way as other applications (menus, desktop overview, or any specific application launch process used by your desktop).
If this is not the case, we suggest to report a bug to your desktop or distribution asking for proper support of flatpak. In the meantime, you can still run it by command line (not as the recommended method, only a workaround):
flatpak run org.gimp.GIMP//stable
This installation will also provide regular update. You don't have to come back on this page and install again (it will not work!) when a new version of GIMP is released. Instead if your distribution and/or desktop has a good support for flatpak, it should propose to perform updates.
Once again, if your distribution does not have proper support, you can always fall back to using the following command line:
flatpak update
Systems without flatpak support
GIMP can also run on Solaris and is available for the BSD family of systems such as FreeBSD and OpenBSD.
Please refer to the documentation for your Unix-like system on the installation of software.
GIMP for macOS
Updated on 2020-12-24: GIMP 2.10.22 DMG revision 1
GIMP 2.10.22 build for macOS - has known performance issues on Big Sur
The download links above will attempt to download GIMP from one of our trusted mirror servers. If the mirrors do not work or you would rather download directly from our server, you can get the direct download here.
Supported OS: macOS 10.9 Mavericks or over
Since the 2.8.2 version, GIMP runs on OSX natively. No X11 environment is required.
Native build
The official GIMP 2.10 DMG installer (linked above) is a stock GIMP build without any add-ons. Just open the downloaded DMG and drag and drop GIMP into your 'Applications' folder.
The SHA256 hash sum for gimp-2.10.22-x86_64-1.dmg
is: c57f0203a89bd347c5b5958a79754debf33a9b458bdba68fa0788e22f4cc8fae
Check it on VirusTotal: gimp-2.10.22-x86_64-1.dmg
Older Downloads
Previous installers for OSX can be found here: download.gimp.org.
An easy way to compile and install GIMP and other great Free software on your Mac is by using Macports. The installer allows you to choose from a large directory of packages. To install gimp using Macports, you simply do sudo port install gimp
once you have Macports installed.

Last we checked, the GIMP port file pointed to the current stable release and we have reports from people who've built GIMP successfully this way.
Homebrew is similar to Macports and provides packages (aka formulas) to install, either by compiling them from source or by using pre-made binaries. There are indications that there is now a formula for GIMP, installable with: brew tap homebrew/cask && brew cask install gimp
NOTE! Please be aware that it was announced recently that Homebrew is using analytics. To turn this off in homebrew then run: brew analytics off
You can read more about this on Brew Analytics.
Fink is a package repository that offer mostly precompiled binaries. It provides the apt-get command known to e.g. Debian and Ubuntu users, and installing GIMP is as easy as sudo apt-get install gimp
once you have installed the Fink installer.
If there's no binary package, then fink install gimp
will compile GIMP from source.
Disclaimer: we haven't been able to determine if it is possible to install or build recent GIMP from Fink. Last we checked, GIMP 2.6.12 appears to be the most recent GIMP package that is offered there.
GIMP for Windows
The download links above will attempt to download GIMP from one of our trusted mirror servers. If the mirrors do not work or you would rather download directly from our server, you can get the direct download here.
Supported OS: Windows 7 or over
These links download the official GIMP installer for Windows (~200 MB). The installer contains both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of GIMP, and will automatically use the appropriate one.
BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing system. It works by downloading GIMP from a distributed network of BitTorrent users, and may improve download speed dramatically. Choosing this option will download the torrent file for the GIMP installer. You may need to install a torrent client to make use of this file. Learn more...
Hash Sum
The SHA256 hash sum for gimp-2.10.22-setup.exe
is: f7851c348584ce432dfd8e69b74a168c7dec33ebfddc29c96ad2d6b83aded083
Check it on VirusTotal: gimp-2.10.22-setup.exe
Older Downloads
- Previous v2.10 installers for Windows can be found here: download.gimp.org.
- Previous v2.8 installers for Windows can be found here: download.gimp.org.
GIMP User Manual
These links download language-specific Windows installers for GIMP's local help. By default, they will place the help files with your GIMP installation.
Note: GIMP uses online help by default. If you want to use this local help offline, you will need to change GIMP's help settings.
- In GIMP, select [Edit] > [Preferences] > [Help System]
- For 'User manual', select 'Use a locally installed copy'
- Under 'Help Browser', you can choose between your system's web browser and GIMP's help browser plugin (if available).
See the online help for more settings.
Utorrent 64 Bit Download Windows 7
- Chinese Simplified (39 MB)
- Catalan (40 MB)
- Danish (39 MB)
- Dutch (39 MB)
- English (39 MB)
- English (United Kingdom) (39 MB)
- Finnish (39 MB)
- French (41 MB)
- German (41 MB)
- Greek (38 MB)
- Italian (43 MB)
- Japanese (39 MB)
- Korean (40 MB)
- Norwegian Nynorsk (35 MB)
- Portuguese Brazilian (40 MB)
- Romanian (39 MB)
- Russian (40 MB)
- Spanish (40 MB)
Source for version 2.10 (Stable)
GIMP releases available from gimp.org and its mirrors contain the source code and have to be compiled in order to be installed on your system.
For instructions, how to build GIMP from source code, please see this page.
GIMP 2.10.22 is now available at https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gimp/v2.10/. You may want to read the Release Notes for GIMP 2.10.
To allow you to check the integrity of the tarballs, here are the hashes of the latest releases:
- gimp-2.10.22.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- 2db84b57f3778d80b3466d7c21a21d22e315c7b062de2883cbaaeda9a0f618bb
- gimp-2.10.20.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- e12f9f874b1a007c4277b60aa81e0b67330be7e6153e5749ead839b902fc7b3c
- gimp-2.10.18.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- 65bfe111e8eebffd3dde3016ccb507f9948d2663d9497cb438d9bb609e11d716
- gimp-2.10.16.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- cbf9fe9534b913a9487b00cd9710cbc569bfd71fdd2f8c321547701a7d70cbeb
- gimp-2.10.14.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- df9b0f11c2078eea1de3ebc66529a5d3854c5e28636cd25a8dd077bd9d6ddc54
- gimp-2.10.12.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- 7d80b58e0784120d57d327294f6a1fda281ff51a61935c2cd764da281acaac71
- gimp-2.10.10.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- 12d1f243265c7aee1f2c6e97883a5c90ddc0b19b4346cf822e24adbb6c998c77
- gimp-2.10.8.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- d849c1cf35244938ae82e521b92b720ab48b8e9ed092d5de92c2464ef5244b9b
- gimp-2.10.6.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- 4ec8071f828e918384cf7bc7d1219210467c84655123f802bc55a8bf2415101f
- gimp-2.10.4.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- ffb0768de14a2631b3d7ed71f283731441a1b48461766c23f0574dce0706f192
- gimp-2.10.2.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- 1cb0baaecdefe44d371a15f2739a1bcbce4682336b4ccf8eb7b587ce52c333eb
- gimp-2.10.0.tar.bz2 (sha256):
- 7fcc96fb88cb0a0595d2610f63a15dec245bb37bf9db527d37a24fb75e547de2
Bittorrent 64 Bit Windows 10
GIMP help files are available at https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gimp/help/.
Please consider using one of the mirrors listed below.
Development snapshots
Bittorrent Software Download For Windows 10 64 Bit Windows 7
We now have a separate page for development versions of GIMP.
Want to check out the GIMP 2.99.4 development release?
Get it on our development downloads page.
Utorrent Windows 10 64 Bit
FTP and Web Mirrors
We had a server move a while back that caused us to lose our existing mirrors (moved from physical to virtual server and to an environment that doesn't allow FTP access). On the plus side, we are now able to offer rsync access to download.gimp.org.
If you are running one of the existing GIMP mirrors, or want to create a new one, please contact us to get your rsync credentials.
Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit Torrent
- https://mirrors.ukfast.co.uk/sites/gimp.org/pub/gimp/
- ftp://mirrors.ukfast.co.uk/gimp.org/pub/gimp/
- rsync://mirrors.ukfast.co.uk/gimp.org/pub/gimp/
- Denmark
- https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/gimp/gimp/
- ftp://mirrors.dotsrc.org/gimp/
- rsync://mirrors.dotsrc.org/gimp/
- Finland
- https://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.gimp.org/
- ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.gimp.org/
- rsync://rsync.nic.funet.fi/ftp/pub/mirrors/ftp.gimp.org/
- France
- http://ftp.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/gimp/
- ftp://ftp.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/gimp/
- rsync://ftp.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/gimp/
- Germany
- https://ftp.fau.de/gimp/gimp/
- ftp://ftp.fau.de/gimp/gimp/
- rsync://ftp.fau.de/gimp/
- https://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/grafik/gimp/
- ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/grafik/gimp/
- https://artfiles.org/gimp.org/pub/gimp/
- Greece
- https://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/gimp/
- ftp://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/gimp/
- Japan
- http://www.ring.gr.jp/pub/graphics/gimp/
- Netherlands
- https://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/software/gimp/gimp/
- ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/software/gimp/gimp/
- Philippines
- http://mirror.rise.ph/gimp/
- ftp://mirror.rise.ph/gimp/
- Poland
- https://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/graphics/gimp/
- ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/graphics/gimp/
- rsync://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/graphics/gimp/
- gopher://ftp.icm.edu.pl/1/pub/graphics/gimp/
- Sweden
- https://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/gimp/
- ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/gimp
- rsync://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/gimp
- Ukraine
- https://mirror.klaus-uwe.me/gimp/gimp/
- ftp://mirror.klaus-uwe.me/gimp/
- rsync://mirror.klaus-uwe.me/gimp/
- United Kingdom
- https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/
- ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/
- rsync://rsync.mirrorservice.org/ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/
- United States
- https://mirror.jaleco.com/gimp/gimp/
- https://mirror.umd.edu/gimp/gimp/
- http://gimp.cp-dev.com/
- ftp://devhost.cp-dev.com/gimp
- rsync://gimp.cp-dev.com/gimp
- https://mirrors.syringanetworks.net/gimp/gimp/
- ftp://mirrors.syringanetworks.net/gimp/
- rsync://mirrors.syringanetworks.net/gimp/
- https://mirrors.xmission.com/gimp/gimp/
- ftp://mirrors.xmission.com/gimp/gimp/